Speech semi-finals

30 October 2018

Today Whakapono21 had two students particate in the syndicate speech semi-finals.  They were Ryley Swatton who was talking about Go-Kan-Ryu Karate and Deekon Harris who spoke about learning to fish.  I am very proud of them and every other student that stood up in front of everyone to give their speech.  All the students put a lot of effort into writing their speeches and also working on their delivery.

There were six finalists chosen for the finals.  They were for year 6 - Nora, Gizelle and Angelina and for year 5 - Ryley, Tamika and Jordan.  Ryley was ecstatic to get into the finals and will represent our class on Thursday, 1 November at 9.30am in the school hall.  If you are free please come down to support our kids.

Here are a few pictures of our speech semi-finalists.
